Correcting Brainwave Anomalies by Neurofeedback Therapy

It is a brain mapping and training program used to correct brainwave anomalies. Using a QEEG to map your brainwaves, we can determine how you use them in each area of your brain. By determining the amount, speed, balance, and communication of your brainwave activity, we can see where there are areas of "Dysregulation" or abnormal brainwave patterns and faulty nerve connectivity. This is also called "Neuroplasticity." For example, increased beta wave activity can be a strong indicator for those suffering from anxiety. The training program helps your brain become more "Regulated" and function correctly. This regulation alleviates the symptoms of the conditions you are suffering from by helping your brain overcome debilitating symptoms from many conditions. We help your brain learn how to help itself! Nothing is put into the brain. The brain is rewarded for producing the right brainwave at the right time in the right area. Doing this can correct and encourage correct brainwave patterns, which in turn, lets down the correct chemicals in your brain.

It's your brain's ability to grow new neurons and create new connections and pathways. Your brain can correct and, most importantly, remain active! As we age or through certain drugs, chemicals, and injuries, our brains undergo a "pruning" process. If you don't use it, or it's damaged, the brain gets rid of it. It prunes it away like dying branches on a tree. Yes, our brains shrink, and not in a good way! Maintaining an active, healthy, "plastic" brain is crucial to our experience on this earth!

A note about medications: The only thing medications can do is alter your brain chemicals to function better. Drugs only work while you are taking them. Correct brainwave activity isn't addressed and is the primary cause of most of these disorders. In other words, once you stop a medication, your brain functions as it did. By teaching the brain through neurofeedback, we allow the brain to learn and correct, create the proper brainwave needed, and create a new neural pathway. This allows the brain to communicate better and to be healthier.

A brain that doesn't function the way it was designed. Most of these conditions are managed with medications. Most do not have a long-term cure. But what if there was a way to re-train the brain to communicate and function better? What if there was a way to do this without drugs? The other thing those conditions have in common is that each has been researched using neurofeedback to correct and mitigate the effects of the disorders.

The brain has been mapped, so we know what areas of the brain govern what biological activity you are trying to perform. Everything from your heart is beating to throwing a baseball to feeling depressed.

Brainwaves dictate and control how we make the chemicals (Neurotransmitters) which then communicate to the rest of your body and determine how you function in this world. They are the primary determining information checked to see if you are still alive! We have several different brainwaves which are active 24/7 in our brains, from super-fast speeds to slow turtle-like speeds. Each brainwave has a specific function.